Special Watercolor class
This is a watercolor class which involves taking masa paper (a Japanese paper) that you crinkle & wet, then glue down onto watercolor paper. It creates textures similar to batik. You can draw on it beforehand or else just work the watercolors onto the wet surface. It works especially well for florals but is also effective for many other subjects.
Materials: Supplied by the EAL :
watercolor paper 11x14, paint, brushes, masa paper
Student supplied:
photo references flowers work well, Elmer’s School Glue, paper towels, rubber roller ( Instructor will have a few available for use)
Materials: Supplied by the EAL :
watercolor paper 11x14, paint, brushes, masa paper
Student supplied:
photo references flowers work well, Elmer’s School Glue, paper towels, rubber roller ( Instructor will have a few available for use)